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Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding of Children


At Vermont School, the safeguarding of children is of utmost importance. We closely monitor the safety of our children ensure we work with outside agencies, following both Southampton and National guidelines. Staff are trained at least annually on the safeguarding of children and this is also updated with national trends and concerns. 


If you have any concerns about the safety of a child, or would like to speak to someone at school for advice, the following members of staff are available to help:


Designated Safeguarding Lead/Designated Teacher for Looked After Children - Lynne McKeown (Deputy Headteacher)

Alternate Safeguarding Lead 1 - Matthew McLoughlin-Parker (Headteacher)

Alternate Safeguarding Lead 2 - Jo Calder, Children and Families Lead


Safeguarding Governor and Governor for Children Looked After - Sam Chapman


For the Safeguarding Policy, please follow the link below:

Safe Guarding Who's Who Leaflet
