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Religious Education

Every school in Britain must provide a basic curriculum and this includes provision for Religious Education. DFE 2010 Pupils in special schools must be taught RE "as far as is practicable". Education Act 1981


At Vermont, we follow 'Living Difference lV', the agreed syllabus for Southampton, Hampshire, the IOW and Portsmouth. "Living Difference seeks to introduce the children and young people to what a religious way of looking at, and existing in the world may offer in leading one's life, individually and collectively." Living Difference lV.


We have planned our curriculum in a three year cycle, to ensure our pupils have a variety of experiences during their their time with us, as this can be as short as two academic years.

Christianity is the central religion to reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian. We have also taken into account the other principal religions in Great Britain by including the Hindu traditions as a Dhamic religion and Jewish and Muslim traditions as Abrahamic religions. For more details, please see the link below to our curriculum map.


At Vermont, we strive to ensure our RE curriculum is as practical as possible, with links made to prior learning and the children's own experiences. We cover one key concept through each unit of work. These concepts are either within or outside of religious concepts, or ones that are shared across religions and religious traditions. 

The 'Golden Threads' of community, belonging, special and love, weave throughout our curriculum.



